Coffee, guides, culture, coffee science, entrepreneurship...and coffee
It's American Press News & Coffeeisms

It's a Red Dot award winner, and it's our anniversary!
Hello backers, fans, and recent customers, Many of you were right here with us three years ago today when I launched the American Press on Indiegogo. The American Press as we know it is also turning two right about now. That is, two years old, with its official birthday back in October 2016 when we first began shipping the production American Press to our crowdfunding backers. A lot has happened since then, including a very fun Red Dot design award that we received personally in Germany (that's me below with my best "surprised" face after a very long but very fun...
It's a Red Dot award winner, and it's our anniversary!
Hello backers, fans, and recent customers, Many of you were right here with us three years ago today when I launched the American Press on Indiegogo. The American Press as we know it is also turning two right about now. That is, two years old, with its official birthday back in October 2016 when we first began shipping the production American Press to our crowdfunding backers. A lot has happened since then, including a very fun Red Dot design award that we received personally in Germany (that's me below with my best "surprised" face after a very long but very fun...

Factory-Fresh American Press Care, Use, and Brewing Guide Details
American Press Unboxing Deets Howdy folks, By now many of you have received your American Press, and I want to make sure you have the best possible experience right out of the box, and for years to come, too, by sharing this post with a few starter brewing tips, basic care & use instructions that we’ll expand on more later (for now, just want to cover the basics), and links to further resources. First, pretty please with nutmeg on top (just kidding, we drink ours black), read the paper “Tips & Cautions” insert that’s inside the retail packaging. Just in case,...
Factory-Fresh American Press Care, Use, and Brewing Guide Details
American Press Unboxing Deets Howdy folks, By now many of you have received your American Press, and I want to make sure you have the best possible experience right out of the box, and for years to come, too, by sharing this post with a few starter brewing tips, basic care & use instructions that we’ll expand on more later (for now, just want to cover the basics), and links to further resources. First, pretty please with nutmeg on top (just kidding, we drink ours black), read the paper “Tips & Cautions” insert that’s inside the retail packaging. Just in case,...

Become an AP VIP!
Have you backed our campaign or pre-ordered? If so, you're eligible to become an AP VIP. What's that mean? Just that you will receive exclusive deals, products, perks and privileges. What's the catch? Well, first, offers will typically be for a limited time and you'll have to sign up for our AP VIP email list to receive them. Also, someday, and that day may never come, we may call upon you to do a service for us (such as following our social media, reviewing our products, and just generally participating in the American Press community) to unlock extra awesomeness, from the very...
Become an AP VIP!
Have you backed our campaign or pre-ordered? If so, you're eligible to become an AP VIP. What's that mean? Just that you will receive exclusive deals, products, perks and privileges. What's the catch? Well, first, offers will typically be for a limited time and you'll have to sign up for our AP VIP email list to receive them. Also, someday, and that day may never come, we may call upon you to do a service for us (such as following our social media, reviewing our products, and just generally participating in the American Press community) to unlock extra awesomeness, from the very...

10 Fun Facts About the American Press
Ten Fun Facts About the Project Our Indiegogo Backers Helped Create The first run of the American Press was 100% sold out before it even left the factory, thanks to you! That first run you helped create is twice the quantity we’d anticipated. The first run that’s chugging along the American countryside on the slow train to Chicago weighs almost 2,500 kilograms. That’s 2.5 metric tonnes, or 2.75 ‘merican tons (about the weight of a car). You figuratively helped us a ton to create a company and launch a product, but you also literally helped us a tonne (2.5 metric...
10 Fun Facts About the American Press
Ten Fun Facts About the Project Our Indiegogo Backers Helped Create The first run of the American Press was 100% sold out before it even left the factory, thanks to you! That first run you helped create is twice the quantity we’d anticipated. The first run that’s chugging along the American countryside on the slow train to Chicago weighs almost 2,500 kilograms. That’s 2.5 metric tonnes, or 2.75 ‘merican tons (about the weight of a car). You figuratively helped us a ton to create a company and launch a product, but you also literally helped us a tonne (2.5 metric...

A Blog Launch and a Manifesto - If It Tastes Good, Drink It
Well, as long as you know what you’re drinking. Point is we’re launching our blog with an eye (and more than a few tastes buds) aimed at helping our readers get the most out of that daily dose of happiness we call coffee (or tea!). Sure, we’ll have a focus on how to get the most out of your American Press. After all, if you don’t love your American Press, we won’t still be here to keep on blogging for very long. But we also believe what’s good for manual brewers and anything that helps folks slow down a little...
A Blog Launch and a Manifesto - If It Tastes Good, Drink It
Well, as long as you know what you’re drinking. Point is we’re launching our blog with an eye (and more than a few tastes buds) aimed at helping our readers get the most out of that daily dose of happiness we call coffee (or tea!). Sure, we’ll have a focus on how to get the most out of your American Press. After all, if you don’t love your American Press, we won’t still be here to keep on blogging for very long. But we also believe what’s good for manual brewers and anything that helps folks slow down a little...